Brand Content Creative

Product packaging for a great customer experience

When releasing new products, packaging isn’t likely the first thing on a product manager’s mind. But from attracting new customers to creating loyalty- product packaging plays an important role in the customer experience. Some brands have tapped into the power of reimagining their packaging. There have been many innovations in product packaging design, particularly for household consumer goods. Paint cans...
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Brand Business Strategy Communications Community Building Employee Development Experiences

Tips for leading effective meetings that boost your professional brand

Who doesn’t love a meeting? That was rhetorical. Sadly, many people dread them. “Yay! I have six meetings today!” said no one ever. But here are some thoughts about how to plan and manage effective meetings. Taking good care here will help you achieve your intended meeting goals and boost your personal professional brand as a person who effectively leads...
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Brand Community Building Experiences Marketing Strategy

Bring your heritage to life in your brand today

How do you talk about your organization’s past? What is important and distinctive to you? What do you point to from your history to help people know you? Are there parts of your past that you’re proud of and why? These questions aren’t meant to suggest you boast about your accomplishments or continually look to the past. Rather, they’re meant...
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Brand Community Building Experiences

Community branding shows us how to celebrate heritage

Community branding is all around. We see tourism commercials on TV and online. Algorithms send us ads on social media and in our email of places they think we’d like. We can think of iconic images of our hometowns, symbolizing what we’re known for. In Minneapolis-St. Paul, the list goes something like this: the stone arch bridge over the Mississippi...
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Campaigns Content Digital Marketing Marketing Strategy

What makes effective marketing campaign management?

We all know the success of a company often centers on its ability to effectively market its products or services to the right audience. In my 20+ years of working with iconic brands, I believe the front-end and back-end steps are often overlooked in marketing campaign planning. Creative and design seem to garner most of the attention. However, all steps in...
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Business Strategy Employee Development Experiences

Creating opportunities to cultivate new leaders

Your most valuable company and brand assets are your people. But today, attracting and hiring quality employees is as challenging as ever. A recent study shows that 90% of employers struggle to find skilled candidates.  So when you do find talent that you hope will be a part of your company’s future, it’s striking gold. Do you have a plan...
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Brand Business Strategy Campaigns Communications Marketing Strategy Social Media

A Call for Ethical Marketing in a Conscious Buyer Landscape

In the ever-evolving realm of marketing, a profound shift has become apparent - It is now widely acknowledged that marketing extends beyond mere product promotion; it has evolved into a delicate balance between brand representation and ethical considerations. The imperative for marketers to integrate ethical values into their strategies has never been more pronounced. So what is ethical marketing and...
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Business Strategy Campaigns Communications Marketing Strategy

Managing your product discontinuation effectively

Products are introduced, compete in the market, evolve, and are eventually discontinued. Product end-of-life happens and a variety of factors drive this decision.  Innovation never slows. New technologies, manufacturing techniques, and improved materials can quickly make existing products or services obsolete. Supply chain disruptions or availability of existing or new parts and components may change something about your product’s form,...
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Brand Business Strategy Digital Marketing Experiences Marketing Strategy

2024 marketing trends SMBs should embrace

In the ever-evolving landscape of marketing, small and medium-sized businesses (SMB) are gearing up for an exciting journey in 2024. Every year there are new technologies, approaches to customer engagement, and opportunities to expand your brand.  Since resources for SMBs are not limitless, , we’ve identified four marketing trends we recommend SMBs embrace to shape their strategies, enhance their customer...
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Campaigns Communications Content Creative Digital Marketing

How ChatGPT Can Improve Your Marketing and Its Limitations

As ChatGPT sprang into our collective consciousness this year, many of us in the creative professions realized it can help us do our jobs more efficiently. Whether you are a graphic designer aiming to elevate your work, a marketing manager planning a campaign, or a business leader planning and developing your team, ChatGPT is a free ticket to greater efficiency....
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Brand Experiences

Producing the ultimate first impressions at your events

First impressions matter. Experiences can be the first interaction potential clients, partners, and customers have with your brand. A smoothly run event portrays your business as organized, detail-oriented, and professional. On the other hand, hiccups can produce an unfavorable effect that is hard to overcome. Event logistics refer to the intricate web of planning, coordinating, and executing every detail of...
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Brand Business Strategy Creative Marketing Strategy

Creating a strong brand language

At Wild Plum, we're hyper-focused on creating strong brands. In this blog, we hear from a colleague and friend who is just as passionate about brand. In fact, he creates and speaks brand language! Don Hansen is an art director, marketing visionary, and artist. With more than 30 years of experience, Don's imagined, created brands, and helped brands reach their...
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Campaigns Communications Content Creative

Win new customers with well designed content

Whether you’re preparing marketing materials such as a presentation, designing an advertisement, making a video, or creating a webpage or brochure, design plays a critical role in determining how well your content attracts, communicates, and engages with your audience. Marketers will tell you that before you create anything or say, "I need a (insert content type here),” start with a...
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Community Building Creative Experiences

Seek inspiration from different places and people

Recently I was in the Olympic National Park revisiting a few of my favorite places, Hoh Rain Forest, and Ruby Beach. I marveled at the spectacular beauty of nature. But during my trip, a local said, “Sometimes we forget how beautiful this place is.” Now, as a Midwesterner, I have an affinity for the forest and the big waters of...
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Brand Campaigns Communications Community Building Digital Marketing Social Media

Unleash the power of social media

Social media has become integral to our lives, transforming how companies operate. So if you run a small business and aren't swimming in the social media marketing waters, you're missing out on three opportunities for success. Social media is key: Building your brandConnecting with customersDriving growth and acquiring new customers Building your brand through social media Name three brands you...
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Brand Business Strategy Campaigns Marketing Strategy

Does the market know you’re special?

Differentiation helps sellers sell and increases new product success.
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Digital Marketing Experiences Marketing Strategy

Personalization is key to exceptional customer experience

Personalization is not a new marketing technique. In fact, it’s a central tenant of many shifts in marketing approach and technology over the past decade. We can gather and store customer data from volunteered preferences to transactions. There are marketing automation tools that provide increasingly sophisticated ways to customize communications. And more and more companies take an account-based marketing (ABM)...
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Business Strategy Campaigns Marketing Strategy

Be nimble with Agile Marketing

Customer expectations have changed over the past few years.  The pandemic, economy, policy changes, and even politics have dramatically shifted buyer behaviors such as information gathering, content consumption, engagement with brands, how and where they purchase, and more. But here’s the issue, if you are just noticing these changes, you are already behind.  So, what can you do about it...
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Communications Marketing Strategy

How to create compelling content with purpose that performs

We hear it nearly everywhere we go. “We need a blog.” “We need a podcast.” “Get more case studies.” “I want a webinar series.” As business leaders, it’s often easy to get excited about work you see, often from competitors. And it’s not uncommon to reach out and prescribe a task for your Marketing colleagues.  And frankly – this is...
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Brand Communications Creative

Exercising and exciting your team’s creativity

Innovation is developed, it is not inherent. The practice of being creative, taking new approaches, looking at things from a different point of view, and committing to evolve your work is all part of cultivating creativity. You learn creativity like you learn to read. And like reading, you become more fluent, have a richer vocabulary, and are better able to...
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