Customer Experience

The branding, materials, size, and information are well done on this product packaging

Product packaging for a great customer experience

When releasing new products, packaging isn’t likely the first thing on a product manager’s mind. But from attracting new customers to creating loyalty- product packaging plays an important role in the customer experience. Some brands have tapped into the power of reimagining their packaging. There have been many innovations in product packaging design, particularly for …

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Managing your product discontinuation effectively

Products are introduced, compete in the market, evolve, and are eventually discontinued. Product end-of-life happens and a variety of factors drive this decision.  Innovation never slows. New technologies, manufacturing techniques, and improved materials can quickly make existing products or services obsolete. Supply chain disruptions or availability of existing or new parts and components may change …

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Producing the ultimate first impressions at your events

First impressions matter. Experiences can be the first interaction potential clients, partners, and customers have with your brand. A smoothly run event portrays your business as organized, detail-oriented, and professional. On the other hand, hiccups can produce an unfavorable effect that is hard to overcome. Event logistics refer to the intricate web of planning, coordinating, …

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